Drumstick tamato curry


drumsticks pieces-i cup (peeled),
1/4 cup onions,
2 green chillies,
tamatoe slices- 1/2 cup,
1 tsp -chilly powder,
salt tasty ,
oil- 2 tsp,
coriander ,
curry leaves.


1.Washed the drumsticks and cut  in to pieces and peeledand kept a side.

2.Heat oil in a pan and add onions and chillis fry , till they become saute.placed the lid over a pan.

3.after that add drumsticks and place a lid for 5 mints then add tomatoes till they become saute.

4,After that add chilly powder and salt and little water allow to cook for 5 mints.

5.then garnish with coriander and curry leaves.
6.taste it with rice and roti.

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