1.Should take Beetroot juice:
The Juice of raw Beetroot is a very  effective Remedy for lowering the Blood pressure.drink a Cup of Beetroot Juice Twice Daily.
Nutrints,Proteins,Vitamins and all the Vitamin of group-B (particularly Pantothenic acid) are beneficial in the  prevention  and lowering  of Blood Pressure.

2.SALT:The use of Salt is valuable  in controlling Low Blood Pressure,till Blood Pressure reaches normal levels,the person should take salty Food,Take Half teasp
oon of salt with Water. Immediately  should take this salt water drink whenever the Blood pressure was Lowered.

3.AVOID DEHYDRATION:If Low Blood pressure is due to Loss of Water from the Body,give Fluids to the Patient and try to avoid  dehydration.
TAKE CORRECT DOSE OF MEDICINE:Don’t take the Medicine as you wish,take only correct dose of Your Doctor  and correct time,don’t take over dose or less dose as your wish.

4.Avoid stress and strain and be cool and  go for a walk atlest 20 mints a day and avoid Junk food and Oily food and Preserved Pickles.Take only Nutritiious food daily.

5.Be in Perfect weight:Be happy and make the people Happy for a time and Take only Fresh vegetables and Fruits and take only lite Brake past and keep under weight.Maintain correct weight.

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